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Let’s Not Boo Our Own Players – Middlesbrough Do That

We were surprised and a little disappointed that Marlon Harewood was booed off the field, for his play after 60 minutes on Saturday afternoon.

marlon harewood dfd

Marlon Harewood – let’s not boo this player

Booing never helps any player, and it’s not a good thing to start doing.

After all that’s what the Middlebrough crowd regularly do,  and they are the worst crowd in the north-east by a country mile.

In fact we never consider playing Middlesbrough even being a derby game – it’s nothing like playing Sunderland, after all.

Middlesbrough have made just as a good a start to the season as Newcastle have, yet their home gates are a dismal average of just over 20,000 (20,435),  less than half  those at St. James’ Park.

Getting back to Harewood, after I’ve rather unwisely just insulted the Middlesbrough fans – with anything you do, however hard you try, you are going to have an off-day, and that’s true for players too.

We have no doubt that Marlon was not too pleased with his form on Saturday afternoon, but let’s support the player(s), and maybe he can make a good contribution to the side, before he leaves after his 3 month loan spell.

Chris Hughton has said today that Marlon has not let the boos affect him, and earlier in  the week Kevin Nolan, that consummate team player – came out and spoke up for his team-mate.

While Nile Ranger is probably playing as well as any striker right now,  that’s is n’t a reason to boo Harewood – and would wager that Nile will actually start on Monday night.

Chris Hughton talked about Marlon today:

“Marlon’s been very good in training,” “The ups and downs of performances for strikers are there for all to see, and Marlon’s been fine this week.”

“We’ve got options, and they are decisions that you want to make. You’d rather have options, and have the tough decisions to make. That’s something that I very much welcome.”

We have to hope all our players will play well most of the time, but everybody will have their off days – we do.

Let’s support the lads and Chris – and that promotion miracle could be ours this season – and wouldn’t that be something!

21 comments so far

  • BlacknWhite Barmy

    Oct 30, 2009 at 3:26 PM

    Comment #1

    Easy way to stop it – put in a performance and they will be aplauded – otherwise


    bunch of overpaid cretins – being paid for something the rest of us dream about. If you cant take it get out – and if your not good enough get out

  • premier

    Oct 30, 2009 at 3:41 PM

    Comment #2

    Been good in training yer knaa!!
    Extra barn doors there for him to aim at tho!!

  • MacToon

    Oct 30, 2009 at 3:45 PM

    Comment #3


    bunch o’ over paid wasters!

    So if you don’t get value for money you still applaud! Saying that obviously 40,000+ are happy to watch the rubbish at the minute, mind boggling.

  • Mags

    Oct 30, 2009 at 3:46 PM

    Comment #4

    Ed – I DO NOT OR EVER HAVE condoned booing our own players, but I was there last Saturday and if Harewood wants the fans to get behind him, then I strongly suggest he alters his body language which was negative, sulky and disinterested.

    I distinctly remember him giving young Kadar a right rollicking for a poor clearance, yet he was unwilling to run for a ball more than 3 yards in front of him. Fine example that is.

  • giimps

    Oct 30, 2009 at 3:58 PM

    Comment #5

    We go to support the team, not single players or management.
    I personally will never BOO any player who dons the B&W shirt, I will however applaud when the correct decision is made, I.E. bringing off harewood when playing bad, and replacing him with Nile (who changed the game when he came on).
    If, and its a big if, Harewood comes on and plays well on monday /or whenever he will be applauded too.
    Things IMO ,will start to improve ,having our defence pairings back, and hopefully this will see us start to pull away from the crowd, hopefully by christmas/jan transfer window, we will be still up near the top with 1 or 2 other teams, then a 5 or 6 point gap before the next batch.
    If hughton can get a couple of loan signings to bolster our thin squad, we could well get promoted (with a little luck) and the correct team selection.

  • fergie

    Oct 30, 2009 at 3:58 PM

    Comment #6

    Completely agree with Mags. You can forgive a player for having a poor touch on a given day (which, coincidentally Harewood does), or missing a sitter like Carroll, but you cannot excuse players not giving 100%. If Carroll had been substituted instead, he would not have been booed. Not because he is a local lad, but because you could see he was giving his all. Harewood on several occasions failed to even attempt to run for perfectly good through balls, instead shouting abuse at the players that passed them (Jonas in particular). The guy just seems to have had a negative impact upon both the teams performance and morale, and his good attitude shown in the Ipswich, QPR and Bristol City matches has disappeared from The Forest game onwards.

  • Geordiedoonsooth

    Oct 30, 2009 at 3:59 PM

    Comment #7

    He’s usless typical of the sort of player Houghton will be able to attract what a mess we are in even if we are top at the moment

  • ark13y

    Oct 30, 2009 at 4:01 PM

    Comment #8

    Let’s not boo our own players? Sure thing sir, I’ll just pay for my ticket then do what you say.

    I boo’d him and I’ll do it again if he keeps playing like that…how else are we meant to tell them that they’re no good, the press haven’t got the b0!!ox to say ‘why did you play terrible’.

  • Mark-o

    Oct 30, 2009 at 4:16 PM

    Comment #9

    Exactly ark13y:

    I pay my money and i’ll boo if i like! If your not putting the graft in then you deserve it.
    I doubt it will bother Harewood that much when he’s at the cashpoint just before he heads out for the night.

    I booed, and 25-30,00 other people happened to have the same opinion as me. Harewood can go 2 ways with this 1-he sulks off and does the bare minimum til his loan expires then moans in the press OR 2- He knuckles down, grafts his ar$e off and bags a few goals in the process.

    I know which one i’d prefer him to do!!!

  • Filthy Malcolm

    Oct 30, 2009 at 4:43 PM

    Comment #10

    Ed Harrison used to boo Frank Clark Dave Hilley and Tommy Gibb. FACT!

  • sallysophie

    Oct 30, 2009 at 4:48 PM

    Comment #11

    Lets not boo the players, lets just not show up at all, until Ashley gets outa the Toon

  • RetroBiscuits

    Oct 30, 2009 at 4:50 PM

    Comment #12

    fergie i totally agree

    Harewood just doesnt look interseted, his body language looks lazy if the ball is not perfectly placed onto his foot he gives up! He has come in and taken over from Ranger who has done nothing wrong and with Carroll im sure any minute now the partnership is about to explode with goals.

    Hughtons’ only errors so far are Harewood and Zurab i mean you have to ask why arent they playing 1st team football for their club

    Zurab cant get a game for Blackburn whos defence is worse than ours last season

    Villa are struggling to find goals from their strikers if what they have playing each week is so poor why bring in harewood who cant get a game??

    Loanees are vital for our season as i doubt there will be any new signings this season just look at Watford they have Cleverly on loan from ManU and Lansbury from Arsenal both both are playing excellent, thats what we should do bring in talent instead of names.

  • borobagpuss

    Oct 30, 2009 at 5:36 PM

    Comment #13

    Typical thick geordie….
    No one at the Boro boos any of their players, or ever has done.
    The boos this season have all been towards Gareth Southgate, and then only take place after the match has finished.
    Newcastle is a big city, three times the population of Middlesborough, and yet your crowd is only double ours even when we are boycotting the matches while Southgate is there.
    Watch how many people come back now Strachan is in charge.

  • geordieboy

    Oct 30, 2009 at 6:26 PM

    Comment #14

    Someone I know who was at the game said it wasn’t Harewood being booed off but the decision not to take off caroll (which, incidentally, seems an impossibility with CH in charge). Anyone shed any light on this?

  • Sgt. Heagerty

    Oct 30, 2009 at 7:04 PM

    Comment #15

    I didnt get to see the match so i cant speak on his form. Im in america so we dont get soda pop games much. Seen the highlights but you cant get the whole story from highlights. I know the toon army has the greatest fans in the world and they stick with players through thick and thin so if they boooed him they musta had a reason. Now come on boys lets put this behind us and push these lads back to the premier league!!!!!!!!

  • thepassenger

    Oct 30, 2009 at 8:26 PM

    Comment #16

    You are talking out of your backside. Where does a barcode get off slagging Middlesbrough fans off. Which players is it that we are supposed to boo, as I’m not aware of any? You really haven’t a clue.
    How can you have the audacity to slag the Boro fans off considering you lot are the biggest bunch of whinging, fickle ‘fans’ with an over-inflated sense of your own self-importance. Isn’t it about time you got back to your ‘sack the board’ campaign… yawwwwnnnn!!

  • ginkoh

    Oct 30, 2009 at 9:20 PM

    Comment #17

    If he done well I will applaud him but if he play like last Saturday he deserved to get boo, isn’t he ?


    Oct 30, 2009 at 10:34 PM

    Comment #18


    Wrang train again!

  • thepassenger

    Oct 31, 2009 at 12:15 AM

    Comment #19

    SBR4EVA… wrang? Is that some dodgy geordie dialect… or are you another thick skunk?

  • Bao Zheng

    Oct 31, 2009 at 4:11 AM

    Comment #20

    There’s a point here that the booing comes from frustration that a player is not playing well AND the management are not doing anything about it. Basically the crowd feel the need to take over the manager’s job. All you have to do is try hard for 90 mins a week. Which apparently is too much to ask of a number of players.

  • Filthy Malcolm

    Oct 31, 2009 at 10:37 AM

    Comment #21

    Why are nappy rippers writing on a Newcastle blog?


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